


En résumé

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  • E.W.C. - Europe

    1986 - maintenant Maximum culture to 32 languages, for Concerned Person, Boss, Author, Student, Leader, Chief, Master, Entrepreneur, Intelligent Children. An abridged synopsis which can be summarized as condensed in the meantime of both phonetics and linguistics for associates of Lordship, Excellency, Holiness, and Honour. Concerned with the actual properties of multilingual respect. No money you pay until your private teacher reaches your place + his living in your country is at your expense. Read fluently thirty languages in twelve months! 5000 Five thousand € per 1hour. ( EIGHT HOURS A WEEK 40000 € . ONE PROFESSOR ). Read fluently twenty-five languages you want in ten months! 5000 Five thousand € per 1hour. ( EIGHT HOURS A WEEK 40000 € . ONE PROFESSOR ). Read fluently twenty languages in eight months! 5000 Five thousand € per 1hour. ( EIGHT HOURS A WEEK 40000 € . ONE PROFESSOR ). Read fluently fifteen languages in six months! 5000 Five thousand € per 1hour. ( EIGHT HOURS A WEEK 40000 € . ONE PROFESSOR ). Read fluently ten languages you want in four months! 5000 Five thousand € per 1hour. ( EIGHT HOURS A WEEK 40000 € . ONE PROFESSOR ). Read fluently five languages you want in two months! 5000 Five thousand € per 1hour. ( EIGHT HOURS A WEEK 40000 € . ONE PROFESSOR ). Best regards and good luck forwarded to you. The hardest part of learning a new language is pronunciation, resulting in accents. Accents are caused by transfer between the sounds of the first and second languages of which there are possibilities. Your private language professor is a self taught experienced ones in life and ones in hundreds of private hours given. The ability to acquire and use is an innate, biologically based potential of modern human beings. Info:


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