


En résumé


I don't use viadeo, please visit my LinkedIn profil.
Je n'utilise pas viadeo, vous trouverez plus d'information sur mon compte LinkedIn. :)


Nerd, passionate, talented, super curious, open-minded, maniac. Work hard, play hard.
Master in 2016. Looking for a full-time internship/job starting February 2016. Let's get in touch? (

Fav technologies: C, C++, Python.
Experience with: PHP, Java, Objective-C, Node.js, C#, SQL, MongoDB, Bash, HTML/CSS.
Interested in: Go, Ruby.


I'm a French grad student from EPITECH (class of 2014), currently at UC Berkeley to complete my 1st year of master program (class of 2016).
I am now looking for a full-time internship, starting on Feb. 2016, that may lead to a full-time position.

I define my self as the kind of guy who is really into "underground" programming. I totally prefer system programming, writing server side tricky code rather than doing HTML/CSS design integration. Please don't make me do that, I really don't like it and I suck at it.

My main goal is to contribute to something bigger than myself. My most valuable experience was at Cumulus Networks. As Software Engineer I wrote code that now runs on thousand of switches in the biggest datacenters in the world. Living in the Silicon Valley changed my way of thinking. Today even a handful of people can make a difference. I want to be one of them, making the world a better place in my way, by making my skills and mindset available to achieve, build and contribute to great products.

While you'll see a lot of Mobile development experience, it doesn't mean that I'm a mobile dev, but It doesn't mean that I'm not one. During my curriculum I had the opportunity to spend 18 months of internship in several companies. I'm still looking for a specialty but in the meantime I try to stay open and ready to dive into new fields. I'm most likely going to dive and specialize into specific high technical field such as: C/C++ system/networking programming. But I feel that the more knowledge and experience you have on a large panel of technologies the more accurate will your decisions be later on.

Mes compétences :
Shell scripting
Langage c
Cocoa Touch
Mac OS X


  • Cumulus Networks - Software Engineer Intern

    2014 - 2014 I joined the Cumulus Networks engineering team, I was mostly working on the Cumulus Linux Operating System. Contributed to the main product of the company I wrote code in the device driver manager and HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) of Cumulus Linux to add support to new platforms.
    Following that my I got my own project, the goal was to write a networking analysis tool which help Networking Engineer debugging their applications. This tool named Pyjeet help prevent and finding failure over a whole network. It fetch all the logs of all the devices within a specified networks, normalize them to process and aggregate them in order to present them in a readable and understandable way.

    keywords: C, Python, UNIX/Linux, Open-source, Debian, debug, networking, kernel.

    Cumulus Networks is bringing the Linux revolution to networking. Founded by veteran networking engineers from Cisco and VMware, Cumulus Networks makes the first Linux operating system for networking hardware and fills a critical gap in realizing the true promise of the software-defined data center. Just as Linux completely transformed the economics and innovation on the server side of the data center, Cumulus Linux will do the same for the network. It is radically reducing the costs and complexities of operating modern data center networks for service providers and enterprises. Cumulus Networks has received venture funding from Andreessen Horowitz, Battery Ventures, Sequoia Capital, Peter Wagner and four of the original VMware founders.

    Cumulus Networks is a contributing member of the Open Compute Project, an open source hardware and software project whose members also include Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Baidu, Fidelity and Microsoft.

    For more information, visit or follow @cumulusnetworks.
  • Korrisoft - Développeur iOS et Android

    2013 - 2014 As an Android (Java) developer junior I had the opportunity to join Korrisoft's team.
    Korrisoft is a mobile development studio and mobile video game. We have our own line up of gaming app and also a department working for external clients.

    I was working on a weather app for a client. This project was really challenging because it was very unique. I had to comply to very strict specification, for this purpose I had to deeply learn how to write great Android application in order to manage the asset and memory more efficiently than the system would let me do.
    The biggest challenge of this project was the internal animation only provided by hundreds of heavy PNG files. The struggle was real but had the end of the day I had a fully working app which look really simple and easy to use.


    Beside this project I was also working on tiny video game development projects for other clients (a French famous news paper and small other companies). I was in charge of the gaming side of their iPad reader.
  • Leankr - Software Engineering - iOS (Objective-c) + PHP/SQL + JavaScript

    2012 - 2013 As an intern at Leankr, a French local innovative startup, my role was to develop mobile apps (iOS) – and backend services, I was in charge of various duties:

    - R&D, conception and realization of two complete iPhone applications. Using native Objective-C programming these apps are now available on the Apple Store. This app are integrating the push notification and a custom ad system to promote the company's apps.
    - I wrote private server side API targeted by mobile applications to get fresh aggregate data. Using a mix of PHP and Bash along with databases to manage raw data on AWS and Amazon S3 systems.
    - Supervision and training of new employee on iOS development technologies.
    - Fronted dev
    - R&D, developing app for Smart TV box (SetTopBox).

    • WoozonTv, Find out "Who's on TV" with your iOS device thanks to and !
    download: [ ]

    • Teleshoot, snap your favorite TV moments!
  • Epitech - IONIS - Assistant Epitech Region (AER)

    Le Kremlin Bicêtre 2012 - 2013 As a teaching assistant I was responsible for teaching students. Answer their questions and graduate their projects. Improving their programming languages skills through classes and remedial teaching.

    C, C++, SQL, PHP, HTML/CSS.
  • Auto-entrepreneur - Auto-entrepreneur

    Cherbourg 2012 - 2013
  • Google Technology User Group (GTUG Rennes) - Membre

    2011 - 2012 Les Google Technology User Groups (GTUGs) sont des groupes d'utilisateurs intéressés par les technologies Google : GWT, Android, App Engine, les APIs Google, mais également les technologies du Web comme le HTML5, CSS3...

    L’objectif du Rennes GTUG est d’organiser des évènements de manière régulière :

    - Conférences sur les technologies Google: API, projet OpenSource...
    - Des atelier d'initiation pour toutes personnes intéressé par les technologies Google.
  • McDonald's - Equipier polyvalent

    guyancourt 2011 - 2011 Equipier polyvalent


  • UC Berkeley Haas School Of Business (Berkeley)

    Berkeley 2015 - maintenant PROJECT MANAGEMENT: LIFE CYCLE AND TOOLS
  • UC Berkeley (Berkeley)

    Berkeley 2015 - maintenant - CS 61C Machine structure ;
    - CS 188 Artificial Intelligence ;
  • California State University-Long Beach CSULB (Long Beach)

    Long Beach 2014 - 2015 Completing my 4th year abroad as an exchange student.
    Studying CS, Computer Software Engineering at Cal State Long Beach.

    672 PhD Level - Advanced Computer Networking
    626 PhD Level - Advanced Operating System
    444 - Compiler construction
    328 - Data structures and Algorithms
  • Epitech

    Paris 2011 - maintenant Expert en Technologie de l'Information

    EPITECH is a software engineering school. With its unique pedagogical approach, we (students) have dozens of projects (about 60 technical projects just for the 2 first years). This is a type of participatory learning that allows us to unleash our creativity through project-based learning.

    I am following a 5-year combined Bachelor-Master's program, by February 2016 I will receive my Master degre
  • Lycée Jean Baptiste De La Salle

    Rennes 2010 - 2011 Bac Gestion des Systemes d'Information

    Gestion des Systemes d'Information (GSI)


Annuaire des membres :