

En résumé

Since 2008 working on different kind of embedded system architecture with low level embedded C, firmware design on ARM processor / FreeRTOS system, including peripheral drivers.

Mes compétences :
Linux embarqué
ARM Cortex M3
Android Development
Java Platform
Android SDK
Programmation orientée objet
Développement Android
Architecture système
systèmes embarqués


  • Cevital Group Brandt - Senior Embedded System Engineer

    2017 - maintenant - IOT device management using low cost ESPRESSIF esp8266 embedded ANSI-C RTOS
    - Android platform porting using mediatek X20 board (linux embedded kernel driver, android HAL implementation, using c/c++/java languages).
  • Hb Technologies - Front/Back end Developer

    Rouïba 2014 - 2016  Enrollment / identification biometric AFIS system
     Application Android (JAVA, JNI, Morpho biometric SDK):
     Extraction of biometric templates fingerprints (fingerprint minutiae).
     An ISO biometric template fingerprints matching algorithm implementation ANSI-C/java/C#/ C++ ndk.
     Client jersey restful web services.
     Web Application Server (RESTful web services jersey) Tomcat.
     3-Tier architecture, oracle database and tomcat web services.
     AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System with .NET multiprocessor matchers algorithm.
     Implementation of ISO / IEC 18013 for the Java Card iso 7816 applet.
     Implementation of ISO compliant driving license(ISO / IEC 18013) reader for android system.
     Implementation of ICAO/ISO Standards for MRTDs reader for android system with OCR/MRZ and NFC MIFARE ISO / IEC 14443 device protocol .
     Reverse engineering /retrieving of full Android SDK of a third party device just from installed demo app.
     Real time ticketing bus validator application on 32-bit ARM 11 processor running on embedded Linux(C+
     +), and support for ISO14443 with GPRS/3G communication interfaces.
  • Geo Flotte - Embedded System Engineer

    2013 - 2014  Hardware reverse engineering of an existing commercial GPS tracker
     Extract conceptual hardware architecture of the system and analyze the datasheet of each integrated circuit (module).
     Design new firmware architecture (cmsis-rtos rtx - Keil, STM32, real time sensor data acquisition, GPS position, alarm, TCP/IP, SMS config , SPI Flash memory for logging, CANBus scanning, ODB...)
     Object Oriented Programming With ANSI-C.
     Desktop Software for communication testing with Visual C#(TCP listener, position logging)
  • LVSC Mediterranee - Embedded System Engineer

    2011 - 2013  Project 0: Development of a multi-platform mobile graphics engine / OpenGL ES for 3D navigation on iOS / Android.
     Project 1: Design of monitoring fuel level for vehicles (FuelSpy), RS232 connection with GPS Tracker, as a whole complete program (PIC18F2525 Microchip) , Electronics ,PCB design, Assembly
     Project 2: Design of an identification System for truck trailers (ID trailer), program (PIC16F84 Microchip), analog electronics, PCB design, Assembly.
     Project 3: Design of a CAN bus to RS232 (CANbus connection according to CiA DS102-1) adapter as a whole complete program (MCP2515 & ATMEGA328 SPI), electronics, PCB design, assembly
     Project 4: Design and implementation of a GPS tracking system
    • Reverse engineering of existing Chinese GPS tracker, and installing a custom firmware with specific features.
    • Specification of development for the tracking GPS system achieved (a 32bit microcontroller, a GPRS modem, a GPS modem, RS232, RS485, USB device, CAN interface J1708 protocol, SD card reader, I / O , LED indicator, analog power and PCB with EMC, a multithreaded firmware (FreeRTOS) is real time updated firmware remotely by GPRS).
     Project 7: Building Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks Using Xbee with a core 32bit microcontroller, and a dynamic peer-to-peer DigiMesh protocol.
     Project 8: Set-up of a mini-production line PCB / PCBA
  • Faïenceries Algériennes - Hardware Repair Engineer

    Khemis El Khechna 2011 - 2011  Provide functionality testing for repaired units.
     Perform Fault Finding on Faulty Units and confirm root cause.
     Perform calibrations as and when required on designed units
     Evaluation using measuring and diagnostic devices to adjust test and repair equipment
  • DELTALOG - Embedded System Engineer

    2008 - 2011  Project 1: Design measurement system Fuel level without contact, by ultrasonic sensor, filtering and processing the analog signal from the sensors, as a whole complete program(PIC18F2525 Microchip) , electronics, PCB design, Assembly.
     Project 2: smart wireless sensor network, USB configuration, SMS / GPRS (PIC18F2525 Microchip)


  • USTHB (Alger)

    Alger 2003 - 2008 Ingénieur d’État en Electronique

    Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Electrical and Computer Engineering


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