
Saddam Hocine BENNADJI

En résumé

BENNADJ Saddam Hocine is looking for an opportunity as Industrial Electronic Technician to be able to put the knowledge and skills in Industrial Engineering acquired during my years of education into practice. Tel : +213 6 99 57 09 44 / E-mail :

Mes compétences :
PIC 16F876A by Flowco
-Programming the PIC 16F84


  • SONATRACH - station de pompage SP1bis Djamâa Eloued -  Industrial Electronic Technician

    2013 - 2014 1) November 27th – December 26th, 2013 : practical training at SONATRACH - pumping station SP1bis, Djamâa Eloued on the followings : Allen Bradlley PLC– speedtronic MarkVI - gas turbine PGT10(Nouvo Pignone) - turbogenerator – Solar Satur20.

    2) January 22nd – February 22nd, 2013 : practical training at SONATRACH - pumping station SP1bis, Djamâa Eloued on the followings : Allen Bradlley PLC– speedtronic MarkVI - gas turbine PGT10(Nouvo Pignone) - turbogenerator – Solar Satur20.


Pas de formation renseignée


Pas de contact professionnel

Annuaire des membres :