
Tohouindo ADISSIN


En résumé

Graduated of the Master of Science degree in Rural Engineering and Management of Natural Resources

Mes compétences :
multivariate analysis
forum support
Microsoft Windows
Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Intensive Training


  • Laboratoire d'hydrobiologie et Aquaculture - Ingenieur en Gestion des ressources Aquatiques

    2011 - maintenant Graduated this year of the Master of Science degree in Rural Engineering and Management of Natural Resources, I followed the training (Management of Fishing and Aquaculture) in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at Abomey-Calavi.
    With this experience of four years in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, I have acquired a good knowledge in the field of agriculture science and management of aquatic resources.


  • Faculty Of Agricultural Sciences (Abomey-Calavi)

    Abomey-Calavi 2011 - 2014 Master Of Science

    Intensive Training in Management of Aquatic resources.
  • Laboratory Of Hydrobiology And Aquaculture (Abomey-Calavi)

    Abomey-Calavi 2010 - 2014 Internship

    Centre de formation de renommer sous régional qui dispose des enseignants spécialistes dans les domaine de la pisciculture, et l'aquaculture; pêche hautulière et continentale.
  • Faculty Of Agricultural Sciences (Abomey-Calavi)

    Abomey-Calavi 2007 - 2011 Licence en Science Agronomique

    License of Agricultural Sciences, Department: Planning and Management of natural resources, Specialty: Rural Engineer and Aquatic Ecosystems,
  • Catholic High School (Cotonou)

    Cotonou 2001 - 2007 Baccalauréat

    Formation générale en Science de la vie et de la terre.
    Cursus scolaire du secondaire classique avec matière fondamentale : Mathématiques, Science physique, Français, Biologie et Histoire et géographie.


Annuaire des membres :